Retirement & Pension


  • Gratuity is a lump-sum payment made by an employer as a mark of gratitude for the services rendered by his employee.
  • It is an important form of social security benefit.
  • Gratuity is payable at the end of the employment (by way of retirement, death, termination or resignation). 

Service Gratutiy

Special Voluntary Reirement Scheme for Surplus Railway Employees

  • Scheme is for permanent Group C and D Railway Employees declared surplus(medically decategorized or otherwise) and placed in supernumerary post(SNP) and for whome remployment is not feasible.
  • Scheme is applicable only for those who have 5 years residual service.
  • Employee would be eligible to give notice under this within 3 months after a period of 1 year from the date he/she is declared surplus and placed in SNP.
  • Particular Railway/Production Unit would be reckoned as the unit for providing alternate employment.